Our Mission ls
To Satisfy Every Customer's Needs Of Religious Sculptures

Today's Word

"A sculpture is born when the artist sets the spirit free from the stone."

YouFine Religious Sculptures


YouFine has a wide range of religious sculptures such as the Mary, Saints, and Jesus in bronze and marble as well as religious items, marble altars, pulpits, baptisteries, and fences.

our lady of fatima sculpture
Mother Mary Holding Jesus sculpture
Mary Stepping on A Snake sculpture
life-size bronze Virgin Mary sculpture
Marble Outdoor Fatima Statue
bronze homeless Jesus statue for sale
White Jesus Crucifix Sculpture in Marble
Outdoor Marble Sacred Heart of Jesus Statue
Marble Statue Church Jesus with Open Hands
St Peter Statue Vatican Jupiter
Life Size Marble Statue of St Michael Archangel
marble St. Francis garden statues for sale
St. Francis of Assisi statue with animals
marble altar for sale
Marble Church Baptismal Font for Sale
Catholic Church Pulpit details
White Marble Last Supper Relief
Custom Church Baptismal Font
Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus Carry the Cross marble statue
Jesus Meets His Sorrowful Mother outdoor statue
Jesus Falls the First Time statue
Marble Jesus Statue
bronze mary and jesus

We are merely using our hands to bring God's vision to life.

YouFine Art and Sculpture, China Leading Sculpture Manufacturer, One-Stop Religious Sculpture Supplier

YouFine has been committed to religious sculptures for 40 years. Our artists are all devout Catholics; many senior artists have devoted their entire lives to conveying the sacred consciousness of God through our sculptures. We hope to establish and strengthen people’s connection with God through the sculptures. May God always be with us.

Manufacturing Sculptures Since 1983

We undertake numerous individual projects for customers, including sculptures of the Virgin Mary, Jesus, and Saint, we also manage a large number of church engineering projects. For instance, we have undertaken renovation projects for churches in Southeast Asian countries, as well as construction projects for churches in Europe and the United States. Our Catholic artists have carved many large marble religious sculptures, including main altars, altars, pulpit, and baptismal fonts. These works could showcase our expertise in the field of religious art and reflect our deep understanding and respect for religious culture.

Marble altar, pulpit placed in the church


We have undertaken many church projects. We actively provide all information to help the priests and church committees conduct project meetings and complete the church construction and improvement work as soon as possible.

Marble sculpture of the Virgin Mary placed in the home yard


We have many devout Catholic clients who like to place marble statues of the Virgin Mary in their home gardens as a beautiful space for quiet prayer and solitude.

Marble Saint Michael placed on the church lawn

The Holy Land

Our artists carved Saint Michael, as well as the Holy Family and the Fourteen Places, and these exquisite Catholic marble sculptures can be found in The Holy Land around the world.


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YouFine Church Project Feedback

Each of our clients has expressed great satisfaction with our Virgin Mary and Jesus statue. Additionally, many church fathers have provided positive feedback on the exquisite marble and bronze religious sculptures we have created for them.

These are the most exquisite marble altar and pulpit that we carved for different churches.

YouFine Director and our artist went to the church to visit the father and participated in the installation process of the entire project.

Our customers come from all over the world, they express their great satisfaction with our marble religious sculptures and their praise and respect for the carving skills of our artists.

Our customers also expressed their recognition and praise for the bronze religious figure sculptures. They were very surprised and moved.

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